Poland Residence by Investment Overview.

The Poland Residency by Investment Program, popularly known as Poland Golden Visa was commenced by the Greek government in 2013 with an aim to allow genuine investors to obtain residency in Poland by making an investment in real estate.
It is a five-year residence permit that you can renew every five years if you still own the property.

The residency program is simply straightforward with no requirement for a minimum stay. The application process for the program is also very quick. Poland residency by investment opens a lot of opportunities in the country for you.

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    Benefits of residence by investment in Poland

    Listed below are the top countries for Citizenship by Investment.

    Residency by investment programs are offered by several countries and are becoming increasingly popular as a way for individuals to gain access to a new country and its benefits. Some of the top countries for residency by investment include Portugal, Spain, Greece, and Malta.