Canada Residence by Investment Overview

Canada offers a residency by investment program called the Quebec Immigrant Investor Program (QIIP). The QIIP requires a minimum investment of CAD $1.2 million, and the applicant must have a net worth of at least CAD $2 million. The investment must be made in a prescribed investment fund for a period of five years, after which it will be returned to the investor without interest. The QIIP has a limited number of spots available each year and is only available to individuals who are interested in settling in the province of Quebec.

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    Benefits of residence by investment in Canada.

    Listed below are the top countries for Citizenship by Investment.

    Residency by investment programs are offered by several countries and are becoming increasingly popular as a way for individuals to gain access to a new country and its benefits. Some of the top countries for residency by investment include Portugal, Spain, Greece, and Malta.